30 Second CPS Test

The 30 Second CPS Test is a challenge to see how many times you can click your mouse in thirty seconds.

0 Score
0 Timer

What is 30 Second CPS Test?

The 30 Second CPS Test is a challenge to see how many times you can click your mouse in thirty seconds. It's a fun way to test your reflexes and see how quickly you can respond.

To participate, all you need to do is set a timer for thirty seconds and start clicking. Try to beat the clock by clicking as many times as possible.

How to perform 30 Second CPS Test?

Follow these steps to take our 30 Second CPS Test and see how many clicks you can make in thirty seconds:

  1. Click the START TEST button above to begin the 30 second click per second challenge and start clicking as fast as you can.
  2. Try to beat the clock by clicking as many times as possible.
  3. Your final score will be calculated and presented to you when the timer runs out.

After 30 seconds, you'll get a final score that tells you how many clicks per second you've achieved. This score is important because it can help you measure your progress and see how much you've improved over time.

How to increase mouse clicking speed?

You can increase your mouse clicking speed and be a faster clicker by following the simple tips below. Practice regularly, and you'll see a noticeable difference in your clicking speed.

Use the index finger

The index finger is the strongest finger on your hand and is best suited for clicking. Start by using your index finger when you're ready to start increasing your mouse clicking speed.

Keep your hand relaxed

When you're clicking, make sure your hand is relaxed. Tensing up your hand will slow you down and make it harder to click quickly.

Use a light touch

Don't click too hard! A light touch is all you need to click your mouse. Clicking too hard will only slow you down.

Use the mouse pad

If your mouse is moving around on your desk, it's going to slow you down. Use a mouse pad to keep your mouse stationary and increase your clicking speed.

Use a gaming mouse

A gaming mouse is designed for speed and responsiveness. If you're serious about increasing your mouse clicking speed, then you should consider using a gaming mouse.

Train your eyes

When you're training to increase your CPS, you should also be training your eyes. The faster you can see the target, the faster you can click it.


The best way to increase your mouse clicking speed is to practice. Reducing your click latency (the time it takes you to click) will come naturally if you keep practicing. Try a few challenges, like the 30 second CPS test or some of our other CPS challenges.