30 Second CPS Test

Take on the challenge of the 30 Second CPS Test. Test your clicking endurance and aim for maximum clicks in thirty seconds.


What is the 30 Second CPS Test?

The 30 Second CPS Test is a unique challenge that measures how quickly you can click your mouse in half a minute. It's different from other CPS tests like the 1, 2, 5, and 10 second tests because it demands not just speed, but also endurance and consistency over a longer period.

While shorter tests focus on quick bursts of speed, the 30 Second Test pushes you to maintain that speed for a more extended time. It's like comparing a sprint to a middle-distance run; both require speed, but the longer distance tests your stamina and ability to keep up the pace.

This click speed test is excellent for those looking to improve not just how fast they can click but how long they can keep clicking quickly. It's a true test of your clicking stamina, making it a favorite among serious gamers and competitive clickers who want to push their limits.

Because of its length, the 30 Second Test offers a comprehensive look at your clicking abilities. It combines the need for fast reflexes with the requirement for sustained effort, providing a well-rounded assessment of your clicking proficiency.

How to Perform a 30 Second CPS Test?

  • Find the START TEST button above and click it to begin. Once the test starts, focus on clicking as quickly and consistently as you can. Since this is a 30-second test, finding a steady rhythm is key.
  • Try not to start too fast and burn out or go too slow and waste precious seconds. It's all about maintaining a good pace throughout.
  • After the 30 seconds are up, your CPS score will be displayed, showing how many clicks you managed to make. Take note of your score, and if you want to improve, practice is essential.

How to Improve 30 Second CPS Test Score?

  • Build Your Clicking Endurance: The 30 Second Test is a marathon, not a sprint. Unlike shorter tests, where you might go all out from the start, this one requires you to maintain a steady pace. Practice clicking at a consistent speed for 30 seconds without slowing down. Over time, increase your speed gradually as your endurance improves. This approach helps you keep up your clicking rate without burning out too quickly.
  • Master Various Clicking Techniques: Exploring different clicking techniques is important. Techniques like Jitter Clicking and Butterfly Clicking can significantly increase your clicks per second. Jitter clicking is great for bursts of speed, while butterfly clicking allows for a more sustained pace. Experiment to see which method or combination keeps your speed up over 30 seconds, as this test gives you more time to apply and switch between techniques as needed.
  • Optimize Your Setup: A comfortable and efficient setup is more critical for the 30 Second Test than shorter ones. Your mouse should be responsive and suited to quick clicking. Ensure your hand and wrist are in a comfortable position to prevent fatigue. Since the test is longer, small discomforts can become distracting, slowing you down as the seconds tick by.
  • Use Interval Training: Interval training involves alternating between intense clicking and brief periods of rest. Start with shorter segments of fast clicking, then take short breaks before going again. This method improves both speed and endurance by simulating the sustained effort needed for the 30 second duration, helping you maintain a high click rate without getting too tired.
  • Analyze and Adjust Your Technique: After each 30 Second Test, take a moment to reflect on your performance. Did your pace start to lag in the middle? Were some clicks not registered? Use these insights to adjust your technique and strategy for next time. You may need to start a bit slower to finish strong, or perhaps adjusting your grip helps maintain speed.