2 Minute Typing Test

Improve your typing speed and accuracy with the 2 Minute Typing Test on ClicksPerSecond. Test your skills within a two-minute timeframe.


What is the 2 Minute Typing Test?

The 2 Minute Typing Test is a short challenge that measures how quickly and accurately you can type in two minutes. It's a step up from the 1 minute test, giving you a bit more time to demonstrate your typing skills.

During the test, you'll see a text on your screen, and your task is to type it out as precisely and swiftly as you can within the two-minute timeframe. This test is great for those who are looking to get a deeper insight into their typing abilities. With the extra minute, you have a better chance to settle into a rhythm and show off your true typing speed and accuracy.

It's an excellent way for beginners to practice and improve and for more experienced typists to challenge themselves and sharpen their skills.

The 2 Minute Typing Test not only helps you understand how many words you can type per minute (WPM) but also gives you feedback on how accurately you're typing. It's a helpful tool for anyone looking to improve their typing which requires quick and precise keyboard use. By taking this test regularly, you can track your progress over time and see improvements in both your speed and accuracy.

How to Perform a 2 Minute Typing Test?

  • Prepare Your Workspace: Make sure you're sitting comfortably at a desk with your keyboard and monitor positioned for optimal typing. Your feet should be flat on the floor, and your wrists slightly elevated above the keyboard.
  • Get in the Right Position: Position your fingers on the keyboard's home row: your left fingers on A, S, D, and F, and your right fingers on J, K, L. This is your starting position for touch typing.
  • Start the Test: Navigate to the 2 Minute Typing Test above and begin. A passage of text will appear on your screen. When you're ready, begin typing the text as it appears.
  • Type with Focus: Concentrate on typing the text accurately and at a steady pace. If you make a mistake, correct it if the test allows, but remember that accuracy is as important as speed.
  • Complete the Test: Continue typing until the two-minute timer ends. Try to maintain your focus and speed throughout the entire test for the best assessment of your abilities.
  • Review Your Results: After the test is completed, you'll see your results, including your typing speed (words per minute, or WPM) and accuracy percentage. Please take note of these scores as they provide insight into your typing strengths and areas for improvement.

How to get better at the 2 Minute Typing Test?

  • Understand Your Starting Point: First, take the test a few times to establish your average speed and accuracy. Knowing your starting point helps you set realistic goals for improvement.
  • Focus on Accuracy: Accuracy is important. It's better to type a bit slower and get the words right than to type fast with many mistakes. Speed will naturally improve as you become more accurate.
  • Learn Proper Finger Placement: Use the touch typing method, where each finger is responsible for a specific area of the keyboard. Your fingers should start on the home row (A, S, D, F for the left hand; J, K, L for the right hand), which helps increase typing speed and efficiency.
  • Try Different Texts: Practicing with a variety of texts can improve your adaptability and help you get used to different words, phrases, and punctuation. This variety can make you a more flexible and faster typist.
  • Work on Your Weaknesses: Identify common mistakes or letters that trip you up. Practice typing these words or letters specifically to turn weaknesses into strengths.
  • Maintain Good Posture: Good typing starts with good posture. Sit up straight, keep your feet flat on the floor, and position your keyboard and monitor to reduce strain on your back, neck, and wrists.
  • Use Typing Tests as Benchmarks: Regularly take the 2 Minute Typing Test to measure your progress. Try not to get discouraged by day-to-day fluctuations; focus on long-term improvement.
  • Set Achievable Goals: Set small, achievable goals for your typing speed and accuracy. Celebrate when you reach them, and then set new goals to keep pushing forward.
  • Stay Positive and Patient: Improvement takes time and practice. Stay positive, even if progress seems slow. Every bit of practice contributes to your overall improvement.
  • Take Breaks: Avoid burnout by taking short breaks during long practice sessions. This can help maintain your focus and prevent wrist or hand strain.